Cross Stitch, SAL

SAL Dragon 2/12

As some of you may now already know, we finally got a house !!! Been packing and moving things, cross stitch had to be put on hold for a bit. Have gone through all the hoops of changing adresses and setting up gas, electricity and broadband, unfortunately BT might as well wrap up our router in a ribbon this year because we won’t be getting any internet until Christmas eve. For this reason we will have to live like an 80s couple for a bit, we might not be watching VHS anymore but we’ll be dusting off DVDs and Bluerays as well as paper books and other non-internet related activities. (Thank god we don’t have to live without electricity at least) . I am thankful I’ve switched to a phone with data however as at least I won’t be missing out on important emails and chatting with my friends and family ! // Pour celles et ceux qui ne savent pas encore, nous avons enfin une maison !!! Ce weekend est dedie a faire les cartons et demenager, donc le point de croix a du etre mis de cote pour le moment. Les changements d’adresse ont ete faits aupres de compagnie de gaz, electricite, et internet, neanmoins autant emballer la box dans du papier cadeau avec un petit ruban puisque nous n’aurons pas internet avant le 24! De ce fait nous allons devoir apprendre a vivre comme un couple des annees 80, bien qu’on ne regarde plus de VHS de nos jours, nous allons depoussierer les DVD et bluerays, livres et autres hobbys qui ne necessitent pas l’internet. (Dieu merci, on a quand meme de l’electricite). Bien contente d’avoir pris un forfait internet sur mon telephone, au moins je pourrais toujours recevoir mes mails importants et chatter avec ma famille/amis.

I guess I’ll have a good excuse to have a sit down on the couch and have a 24 (the TV show) marathon and finish this Dragon mother, in time for New Years. As tradition goes, I would like to start a project on the new year and have already something lined up !// L’avantage au moins, c’est que j’aurais une bonne excuse pour me faire un marathon de 24 heures (la serie tele) et finir ce Dragon a temps pour le nouvel an. La tradition veut que je commence un nouveau projet au nouvel an, et j’ai ma petite idee sur lequel !


Mon image


Mon image

Please visit the other participants blogs as they are making wonderful things, and if you want to join us, Avis is the one you want to talk to !  // N’hésitez surtout pas a rendre visite aux autres participants qui travaillent sur de magnifiques projets et si vous voulez vous joindre a nous, Avis est la personne a contacter (en anglais) !

33 réflexions au sujet de “SAL Dragon 2/12”

  1. Congratulations on your new home.
    I remember LBI (life before internet) which, in the scheme of things wasn’t really that long ago. It will be a revelation for you – think of it as an adventure.

    1. I grew up with the internet so I’m a bit biased in that sense, phones I can do without, but not having access to all the knowledge of the interweb… not so much. Luckily we’re not broadbandless in the end as owners left their broadband for us to use till their contract ends. I have been away from PC/phone for the last 4-5 days anyway, not like you can miss something when you’re busy packing, cleaning and other !! Thank you 😀

    1. Thank you ! Not relaxing just yet however as we’ve only just got the keys on thursday, I scheduled my post in advance because I knew I’d be too busy to check up on anything and as a matter of fact, we’re still not done moving 4 days later !

  2. Bonjour
    Je suis très heureuse pour vous deux. Je pensais bien que cette maison vous y seriez avant la fin de l’année. Je n’ai rien dis pour ne pas gâcher la Fête, pour le cas où, cela ne se serait pas concrétisé, mais j’avais bon espoir. Maintenant , au boulot pour tout emballer. Bon Courage. Ce n’est que du Bonheur. Bravo pour ta belle avancée sur ton dragon. Bon Dimanche pluvieux et venteux chez nous.Bon déménagement. Youpi !!!!! Gros bisous. Bonnes fêtes de fin d’année.

    1. Merci beaucoup ! On a commence a demenager vendredi donc j’avais prevu mon article a l’avance. Toujours pas fini, mais on a fait le plus gros avec de l’aide des parents du cheri. J’ai le dos en miette et j’aimerais bien me reposer, mais aussi envie de faire au plus vite histoire que je puisse mettre ca derriere moi !

  3. Who needs the internet, eh? You’ll probably be amazed at how much more you can get done on the new house etc. instead. Congratulations. It must be so lovely to be in your new place in time for Christmas 🙂

    1. Been really busy moving so haven’t really thought about it for the last few days indeed. Broadband situation averted, but it’s not like I can’t enjoy a few days without it anyway 😀 – It’s a massive relief indeed. I’ve had to put up with bad housing/small housing ever since I left the mother’s nest, it’s nice to not feel cooped up likes sardines anymore !

    1. Haha I wish – This past week was spent moving but with any luck I’ll be able to start stitching again (once it’s all over) – We do have broadband now so panic is over, just borrowed the previous owner’s wifi haha.

    1. Got broadband in the end, but too busy moving to stitch anything ! Let’s hope I’ll still find the time to finish it before Christmas ! – Thank you 😀

  4. Congrats on the new home! That’s so exciting 🙂 We still enjoy watching vhs, lol We did get rid of a lot of dvds, but kept the favorites just in case. I still see some great progress made on your stitching! well done!

    1. Alas the progress shown this time was from before getting the house, we’ll see how well I do next update ! I’m surprised your VHS still work, we got rid of ours when half of them were demagnetised back in 2010 years ago. There isn’t much that survived the 80s and 90s in our house unfortunately, apart from me and my partner 😀

      1. Oh I see! Yes, some of my vhs are originals from growing up, the rest we find at thrift stores! I’m watching a vhs now (Death becomes her) and I love seeing these old previews, lol!

  5. Congratulations on the new home! That’s a big accomplishment in itself, just making such a move. Looks like you’ve had an opportunity to get a good bit of stitching done too. Hope you can get internet service hooked up without too much drama.

    1. Internet sorted thanks to the lovely family who we bought house from, they just left everything set up so that we can use it until it runs out (which will be back to back with ours coming up) Busy moving unfortunately so no stitching since the update 😛

  6. How lovely to be in your new home before Christmas. Somehow my generation managed to struggle through without the internet, although it’s hard to imagine life without it now. I know when we’re travelling I tether my laptop to my mobile phone, but it’s not really for downloading or watching movies, more for getting blog posts out while I’m away from home. Books, embroidery, movies on DVD and, oh dear, going out and socialising! What hardship…

    1. Can’t say I’ve known the world before the internet, but I’ve known it before it was so engrained in everyone’s lives for sure. Sure wasn’t hard to enjoy ourselves without it when we were kids, but it does change life a bit when you can just answer every question you have with a few keystrokes, buy something without having to go round 20 shops, or meet people you have so much in common without having to go on a quest for penpals ! I’m glad gone are the days where I had to read a paperback guide to a video game 😀 – And what’s socialising anyway? I just want to get one more cross done !!

  7. Congratulations to the new house!!!!! I can se you done some stitching and I don´t know how you managed to do that, moving to a new house and all that goes with that 🙂

    1. The house move is impeding on the next update rather than this one, unfortunately 😀 – I am confident I will still have something to show, but right now I am bruised and tired from carrying boxes and building flat pack furniture… Once the TV is set-up I will definitely jump on the couch and put some crosses in !

    1. Thank you very much ! Luckily won’t be out of internet after all, but as I’ve been too busy to even worry about technology for the last few days… we can definitely confirm I’m not addicted to it !

  8. Congratulations on the house, and good luck with the 80’s lifestyle! I know what it feels like to live like that! This is looking wonderful, I love the colours in it. Good luck with your finishing goal!

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